How to Stay Away from Online Tracking

Online tracking is a process where the website observes and collects user information in order to customize its offers and other online engagements for its users. When you are searching for the product, the search results show the recommendations of the shops in your area that sells the item because of the online tracking of your location.

Digital marketing and website analytics also employ online tracking in order to boost their efficiency. Most websites collect a wide range of data from their users, and it depends on the service it provides. They also collect the information from your entries in the forms, email addresses, and data using tracking technology. The most common data to collect includes IP address, personal information like name, address, email, and phone numbers, browser and device information, browsing activities, etc. Third-party cookies are present in your device by third parties due to secret advertising services. Third-party cookies raise several privacy concerns and are easy to isolate. In this article, we are going to discuss the ways to block your online tracking.

Ways to Stay Away from Online Tracking:

Use Browser Add-Ons:

The simplest way you can do to block any third-party cookies is by downloading an anti-tracking extension for your browser. There are several ad-blocking tools are available. These plugins require more user knowledge in order to block third-party scripts and apps. This helps in protecting your data but also leaves your webpage to be unreadable by any third-party app to figure out which script needs to be run.

Block Third-Party Cookies:

Once you accept the cookies of the third-party apps, it can track you for months until you clean the cache in your device. Nowadays, all browsers have options to clean out third-party cookies. Also, these browsers can help in limiting the ability of the third parties to give the device cookies with less effectiveness than other browser extensions.

Adjust Your Privacy Settings:

Many websites have several ways to track and collect your data. This is the foundation of their business so the privacy you achieve on these platforms will be so relative. Users have some control over what data where these organizations can and cannot collect. You can limit the amount of your information that social media can collect and share by switching your profile to private.

Use Message and Email Services That Don’t Track You:

Protecting your online privacy means nothing when you do not secure your message and emails. When you want to send a full encrypted message by sending a privenote using a Pirvnota. This messaging service allows you to send anonymous messages quickly and conveniently between users. The message can be read only once by the recipient if they have a special link sent by the sender. Also, this messaging service allows you to protect your link with a password that guarantees the full security of your link. You can send this link to your recipient through an email or any messenger.


There is no such thing as absolute privacy on the internet, but you can take several steps in order to limit your exposure. From the above, you can get a piece of detailed knowledge about the ways to protect yourself from online tracking and enhance your maximum security and protection.