Tag: Technology

Video Conferencing For Your Official Business Requirements

Video Conferencing For Your Official Business Requirements

Talking to a client or holding periodical meetings within a company is mandatory to run business seamlessly. Every business depends on its clients and if they are satisfied, they can bring profit to the company. Clients like to monitor and prefer periodical updates from the company. Because they want to know about the company’s service and the status of their project. It is important to keep the clients and customers informed better so that our business may run without any disturbances. But to make sure the client is happy; we need to have periodical meetings with them and explain our current status. Unlike earlier situations where clients take a tour to the company and get an idea about the business, the current circumstances do not offer that leniency. We require some alternate method...
Beauty Biotechnology Technology – Investment Group Limited Is Using This Technology To Promote Their Business

Beauty Biotechnology Technology – Investment Group Limited Is Using This Technology To Promote Their Business

The Technology of tomorrow is Beauty Biotechnology Technology. It is used to enhance the beauty of humans and enhance their health. This technology is being applied in many countries including United States of America, China and India. This group of technologies is using genetic engineering techniques to provide people with a better lifestyle and health. Some of the diseases like Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes and many more are being treated using this technique. Recently there has been an international group of scientists who have conducted research on the new technology known as Beauty Biotechnology Technology. They have found that this technique can help to improve the health of people by making them look beautiful. So the research made by the group has resulted in making this...
Livestream Shopping: Technology That Can Cross Connectivity With Livestream Technology

Livestream Shopping: Technology That Can Cross Connectivity With Livestream Technology

Technology has had a big impact on our lives. We now have cell phones that are capable of doing so much more than just making calls. We can keep track of our schedule, check in on our favorite stores, even book a flight to wherever we want to go. Technology has changed the way we do business, and even how we do things at home. One good example of technology's impact on our lives is the Livestream Shopping software. Livestream Shopping is a platform built on top of two well-known consumer technologies: live video shopping and social media marketing. Live trade shows combine live video streaming with social media marketing and customer experience, where consumers interact directly with merchants via video streams and buy goods and services from the same platform. They give you the option ...
A Real-Time Interactive Shopping Experience

A Real-Time Interactive Shopping Experience

Livestream, the new way to watch live television on the web, is transforming shopping. Consumers are no longer stuck visiting a video rental shop, an internet cafe or a neighborhood retail outlet. With Livestream, they can go where they want, when they want and pay only for services that they enjoy. They no longer have to be chained to the couch or the office because they can watch TV any time they want. Livestream is changing the way people see online television and making it more accessible than ever before. Livestream is transforming the way Chinese brand's market online. Livestream is not just another channel that they launch in China or a handful of small-market brands to join the bandwagon. In fact, last year over half a billion Chinese consumers engaged in live Livestream streami...
How Technology Changing The Face Of E-Commerce

How Technology Changing The Face Of E-Commerce

Technology is changing the way we live our lives. It is changing the way we do business as well. The recent advancements in technology have allowed online businesses to fulfill the shopping needs of millions of people with speed and convenience. Customers are no longer subject to endless browsing and searching; they can instantly access what they want and need by simply navigating to their chosen vendors' websites. Thanks to today's available technology, customers can easily obtain just about anything at the touch of a button. Technology has allowed many retailers and merchants to benefit from a streamlined process. For instance, many retailers now offer personalized shopping cart options for customers who purchase multiple items or have many items to purchase. This enables merchants to...
How To Promote Your Brand With Livestream

How To Promote Your Brand With Livestream

Almost every brand has an online video marketing plan, and most have started to test Livestream marketing as well. Early adopters of newer technology mediums are often rewarded with free media coverage and loyal followers, while their boring content usually hasn't had much production value. The problem is that most brands don't even know that they need Livestream. Brand Equity Building Brand equity is about how your brand is perceived by viewers. Livestream allows you to engage with your audience in an entirely new way. Brand equity can be built by allowing your audience to engage with your videos before they've ever even heard from you on the Internet. For example, having your subscribers submit your promotional videos to social bookmarking sites like YouTube and Facebook allow you to ...
How To Predict The Future Technology Of Shopping

How To Predict The Future Technology Of Shopping

Many predict a world where shopping will be completely automated. Others believe the computer internet will be used for everything from scheduling appointments and checking stock. Still, others believe we will see the end of retail stores, as brick and mortar businesses die off due to lack of business or because they have been taken over by big franchisees. The most optimistic of these theories, however, believe that artificial intelligence will someday be able to completely replace human retail staff, thanks to all the money computers can be programmed to process in order to make better decisions. According to current shopping trends, the future may indeed be the end of shopping as we know it. The biggest, loudest predictions about the future of shopping tend to be the most outlandish,...
How Selfie Beauty Camera Have Great Photo

How Selfie Beauty Camera Have Great Photo

With the advent of Selfie Beauty Camera, now you can easily take gorgeous selfies almost anywhere and anytime with a simple camera, smartphone or tablet. There are also several ways to customize your Selfie Beauty to make it even more beautiful. Here are few techniques: Preset Beauty - You can use any of the available overlays available on Selfie Beauty Camera. With latest Overlay Packages you can even retouch your facial features with just a few steps. With sub-mask option available in different shades, you can even enhance your facial features like cheekbones, nose and chin. Choose the blend of color that matches your skin tone and frame perfectly. The Preset Face Retouching Filter is really very helpful for those who are suffering from acne problems. Real time Filters - This is anot...
AI Is Transforming Fashion What Are The Different Divisions

AI Is Transforming Fashion What Are The Different Divisions

To wear clothes isn’t just a requirement of human beings. They also get the opportunity to flaunt their beauty, style, character and extravagant lifestyle. The fashion business is amongst the greatest worldwide. Its market size in 2018 was $ 3 trillion. AI in fashion is transforming this industry. How? It plays a vital role in several vital divisions. From design to production, logistic supply chain and advertising, AI plays a significant role in transforming the fashion industry. The first division is Fashion Designing. What are the key points in designing a dress to make it striking among customers? They are design and configurations with the correct color combination. Developments in fashion manufacturing change fast, and new designs and configurations arrive daily. Designers must st...