Tag: content writing

The 10 Most Common Digital Marketing Mistakes & How To Avoid Them
Marketing, Technology

The 10 Most Common Digital Marketing Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

More and more brands adopt cutting-edge technologies and focus on winning strategies to drive success in the digital era. However, they very often make the same mistakes that affect their conversion rates and ROI. Pro Brand Zone outlines the most common digital marketing mistakes brands make and explains how to avoid them. The top 10 digital marketing mistakes brands regularly make are: 1. Executing Strategies Without Having Clearly Defined Audiences Many brands believe that the key to business growth is targeting a broad market, but the truth is that only very few people will bring in most of the business's revenue. The solution is to identify ideal customers by creating buyer personas. 2. Focusing On Features Over Benefits Brands repeatedly make the mistake of highlighting the featur...