What All Is Involved In Installing Solar PV Panels On The Roof

Solar systems comprise solar panels, a solar inverter that has a computerized controller, and a mounting system. Solar panels harness sunlight to create DC electricity. Next, the inverter makes the created electricity AC for utilization in families.  What is the job of the computerized controller? It manages solar systems and guarantees optimal performance. A homeowner who is keen on a battery backup system, also known as an off-the-grid system, will require a battery. The most usual place for installing solar panels is the roof. Generally, roofs have desired parameters for an installation for the panels to get the most sunlight.

However, when installing on roofs isn’t applicable, solar panels are mountable on the ground. Homeowners need to ensure that no objects are obstructive access to the sun.

Below are all the steps involved in rooftop Solar Panel Installation.

Erecting Scaffolding

The first thing is erecting scaffolding to guarantee safety throughout the entire installation procedure on roofs.

Installation Of Solar Panel Mounts

Next is the setting up of the panel mounting system. The entire mounting structure is tilted. It must have an angle of 18 to 36 degrees to get maximum sunlight exposure.

Installing The Solar Panels

Next is the installation of the solar panel on the mounting system. All nuts and bolts are tightened to ensure that it remains stable.

Wiring Of The Solar Panels

Next is installing the electrical wiring. Usually, MC4 connectors are used. The reason is that they suit all varieties of solar panels. The household’s electricity supply is shut off for the period of the wiring installation.

Installing Solar Inverter

Next is connecting the solar inverter to the system. It’s normally installed close to the main panel. It can be installed indoors as well as outdoors. Inverters work better when kept in a cold place. An inverter that’s installed outdoor is kept off the afternoon sun. For an inverter that’s indoors, the utility room or garage are generally the best places. The reason is that they remain cool for a significant part of the year and have aeration.

Bonding Solar Inverter And Solar Battery

Next in rooftop Solar Panel Installation is connecting the solar inverter to the solar battery. The battery storage relives homeowners of worry of insufficient usable energy throughout cloudy times.

The Inverter Is Then Connected To The Distribution Board

Next the installing company connects the inverter to the distribution board to produce electricity. A generation meter is also connected to track the quantity of electricity that solar panels produce. The installing company recommends homeowners use a PC or another device to check the solar system’s performance. They can check the amount of electricity they produce at different times. In this way, they can ascertain a time suitable for running their washing machine or various utilities. The installation ends with the installing company switching on the power and testing the installed solar panel system.