Tag: Jumble

A Real-Time Interactive Shopping Experience

A Real-Time Interactive Shopping Experience

Livestream, the new way to watch live television on the web, is transforming shopping. Consumers are no longer stuck visiting a video rental shop, an internet cafe or a neighborhood retail outlet. With Livestream, they can go where they want, when they want and pay only for services that they enjoy. They no longer have to be chained to the couch or the office because they can watch TV any time they want. Livestream is changing the way people see online television and making it more accessible than ever before. Livestream is transforming the way Chinese brand's market online. Livestream is not just another channel that they launch in China or a handful of small-market brands to join the bandwagon. In fact, last year over half a billion Chinese consumers engaged in live Livestream streami...
How Technology Changing The Face Of E-Commerce

How Technology Changing The Face Of E-Commerce

Technology is changing the way we live our lives. It is changing the way we do business as well. The recent advancements in technology have allowed online businesses to fulfill the shopping needs of millions of people with speed and convenience. Customers are no longer subject to endless browsing and searching; they can instantly access what they want and need by simply navigating to their chosen vendors' websites. Thanks to today's available technology, customers can easily obtain just about anything at the touch of a button. Technology has allowed many retailers and merchants to benefit from a streamlined process. For instance, many retailers now offer personalized shopping cart options for customers who purchase multiple items or have many items to purchase. This enables merchants to...
Why You Should Be Using Livestream To Simplify Your Online Marketing Campaigns

Why You Should Be Using Livestream To Simplify Your Online Marketing Campaigns

Live Streaming refers to web streaming media either live and recorded at the same time. It's frequently referred to as Jumble live, but that short term is very ambiguous since" Streaming" can mean any media played and received simultaneously even without needing to have a fully downloaded file from the Internet. What's more, there's a difference between Livestream and Jumble live streams. The difference between the two comes down to how the technology works. Jumble live streams are generally less complex than Livestreams. Jumble streams are simple computer programs created by software creators as an easy way to stream live video to a website or multiple websites. The software creates a "feed" of the content being streamed, often called a "video wall", which viewers can interact with and...
How Does Live Video Streaming Help Ecommerce What Are Some Key Benefits

How Does Live Video Streaming Help Ecommerce What Are Some Key Benefits

What is live streaming? It’s a broadcasting technique that resorts to audio and video to offer viewers real-time events online. There are various uses of Live streaming, including virtual events and product, service advertisings, live messages, online classes, and numerous more. Companies can also resort to live streaming to enjoy direct interaction with their clients and community associates. Generally, live streaming helps engage individuals across the world. There is increasing use of Live streaming in e-commerce. Did you know that there're quite a few fantastic benefits of live streaming in e-commerce? A key benefit is reaching clients with a variety of content. Live streaming enables e-commerce folks to use various content types to connect with clients. It isn’t restricted to live ...
AI Is Transforming Fashion What Are The Different Divisions

AI Is Transforming Fashion What Are The Different Divisions

To wear clothes isn’t just a requirement of human beings. They also get the opportunity to flaunt their beauty, style, character and extravagant lifestyle. The fashion business is amongst the greatest worldwide. Its market size in 2018 was $ 3 trillion. AI in fashion is transforming this industry. How? It plays a vital role in several vital divisions. From design to production, logistic supply chain and advertising, AI plays a significant role in transforming the fashion industry. The first division is Fashion Designing. What are the key points in designing a dress to make it striking among customers? They are design and configurations with the correct color combination. Developments in fashion manufacturing change fast, and new designs and configurations arrive daily. Designers must st...